Reid is 4 months old! Our little man has been blowing raspberries, giggling when the kids and I sing to him and trying to sit up. He still loves being held and expects lots of attention from his big brother and big sister. He recently moved to size 3 diapers and has had a few nights where he has slept for a 5 or 6 hour stretch. He seems to be sleeping better since he started taking Zyrtec for his allergies and his skin has cleared up. The other day the kids said: "Look, Mommy, Reid is a Doctor". When i rounded the corner, this first picture is what i saw. Reid was SO excited to be playing with Cole and Gwen and they love that he is now more interactive. Reid also rolled over the other day. I was at the pantry getting the kids a snack and Gwen said: "Mommy, REid rolled over!". Sure enough he had... I have to admit that i'm a little jealous that i didn't see his trick.
I've received some funny comments recently about our little man. One friend said: "Oh, Meg, he is no longer a newborn. You are definitely a mommy of an infant!". Also, the nurse practitioner, Deb Busch, at Dr. Rice's office said: "He's one sturdy little man and i swear he has three chins!"
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