An Earthquake and a Tropical storm in the same week?!?
Yup. Somehow we managed to get an earthquake (ie. a small rattle of the house) and a tropical storm this past week. One may wonder what you do with two 2.5 year olds when the weather isn't ideal. Well...on Saturday (8/27/11) we went to the Science Center in the morning and then when the kids refused to nap we took them to a celebration at the East Penn Fitness Center. As soon as we walked through the doors, Cole spotted someone dressed up as Smurfette and freaked out. Andy took him outside and a staff member informed him that Smurfette was going on break so Cole reluctantly came in but refused to play in the gym. Instead, he requested to play with "the beads", which he remembered were in the waiting area the last time we were there. He played by himself the entire time while Sissy bounced, twirled etc. with Daddy. We got home before the start of the storm and enjoyed many hours of playing inside. We dressed up in silly outfit; put together a new career puzzle; read; and put post its on mommy's baby belly!
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