Both kids have been talking more clearly recently.
Gwen has also been pretending more and Cole is picking up on it more and more each day. She takes her bunny everywhere she goes and often makes little beds for her. She loves pushing her in the shopping cart and feeding her pretend food. The other night she said: "Daddy, bunny do a flip" and she flipped bunny onto her shoulder like Andy does with her. One afternoon last week both kids were pretending together. They decided to pretend to go to the library. They would put all of their "library books" into our library bag and then carry them to the other room together to put in the "book drop". A few minutes later they both ran back to me holding new books and yelling: "we got new library books, mommy!"
Their little conversations are also getting easier for me to understand. Last night when they were lying in their nest, i heard them talking over the monitor. Gwen was saying: "Cole, you a boy. You have a penis" and Cole was saying: "Yes, Gwen, i have a penis penis penis". Then Gwen said: "I have a gina. You don't have one. You are a boy".
Cole has been very in tune to directions and destinations recently. If we go to a playground he finds the bench where we sat to eat snack the previous time and insists on sitting there to eat again. Sometimes he insists on having the SAME snack as we had last time. "Sorry, Cole man, mommy doesn't remember these things!" He also proudly announces when we are going to go by certain excavators/construction sites and sometimes gets upset when we go in the direction of the roller coasters but dont' actually go by them.
Cole seems more interested in baby Reid recently. He loves to sing pat a cake. He usually wants to sing the song once with a "G for Gwen", "C for Cole", "M for Mommy" and "D for Daddy". The other night when we were done with all of the usual verses, he said: "Now sing for baby Reid!". What a sweet big brother :)
Gwen is very excited about the baby. She enjoys helping me organize his clothing and other things in his room (although she takes all of his blankets and makes them her own!). She proudly announces several times a day: "We're having a baby!" and loves reading library books about babies and being a big sister. She insists that she is going to "carry baby Reid" and "I hold baby Reid". She also thinks about him often and wnats to know: "Baby play with this toy?". It seems like she's going to be mommy's little helper with her baby brother :)
Gwen has been very interested in peoples names recently. She is constantly asking "what his/her name is?" She seems to pick up on her friends' moms names quickly but always wants to know about their dads. The other night she was riding in the car and was talking to herself: "Madelyn's mommy is Kristin. Madelyn's daddy is Ryan. That nice name. I like name Ryan. Mommy, you like name Ryan?"
Both kids enjoy saying it is "X time". If they are ready to eat, they'll say: "It's eat time". If they are ready to go in the car, they'll announce: "It's car time".
Cole is obsessed with the alphabet these days. Andy says it is like he is living a musical because many times throughout the day, Cole will break into song. He especially enjoys singing the ABC's but also specializes in The Farmer in the Dell, 5 little (fill in the blank) Jumping on the Bed, Here Come the Dinosaurs